Bridging Optimism Weth to Eth Mainnet Wallet

Hi guys,

I bridged some WETH from Optimism to my ETH Mainet wallet but the transaction hasnt come through? This is the transaction OP Mainnet Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Optimism

Any ideas of what went wrong?

I’m a newbie at all this so maybe I messed up??

Hi @pixms you send 0.089069 WETH yes? From OP Mainnet

I see :point_down:the last token transaction on etherscan 0.08822792 WETH :face_with_monocle: From: Bridge


Hi @pixms,

As mentioned by Luigi, you have received WETH on the Ethereum network. In case you want ETH, you need to unwrap it. You can do it using your MetaMask swap.

To see WETH in your MetaMask wallet, please do as follows:

In your wallet, under the Tokens tab (Ethereum chain), click Import tokens. Then search WETH and add it. You can add it using the custom option as well. The WETH contract address on Ethereum is: 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

For further information, please refer to the following article.


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