Dao funds withdraw worth $36.00 but gas fee is $39.00

I have 16.37 DAO on my MetaMask account. I wanted to learn en try something new. At this point I can not acces, withdraw or convert the DAO coin because the gas fee is higher then the funds at my account. In this situation I have to pay $39.00 to acces my $36.00. How can I get acces to my $36.00 without losing $3.00?


Anyone? I really need the help.

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Iā€™m sorry, there is nothing that can be done until Ethereum gets the gas costs under control. You can try a slow time for the network (seems to be in the late evenings on EDT) and see how much it is then but any sort of swap will be at least $10 even at the very lowest times. You might be able to send it to a centralized exchange and swap it into something more cost-effective (like BNB for instance) but you will still incur a gas fee to transfer it.