Error red bsc to erc20

I sent by mistake from the bsc network to an exchange but the address is from an ERC20 network. I lost my money or how can I get it back?

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Hi there @YoanRios
What exchange was it?
Are you able to access the private key to that wallet?
If so, you can then import that wallet on MetaMask and access the funds again under the BSC network.

If you’re using MetaMask, then your ERC20 + BSC wallet address are the same.

Just add the BSC Network + Token Symbol (if required) to MetaMask + you’ll see your funds.

Keep in mind, some BNB is required for gas for BSC transactions, so you may have to also send BNB to the same BSC address to do anything with your Tokens.

Some Tokens are troublesome to display in MetaMask, like BSC USDT, so if your Token import/add fails, visit a Swap Service like KnightSwap or PancakeSwap to see your tokens.

Tip: For BSC transactions, good to maintain .04+ BNB for gas, as some transactions consume significant gas.

Hello , welcome to MetaMask community
If you encounter an error sending the exchange network, you first need to find the exchange to solve the problem and retrieve the assets.

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