ETH sent to my Polygon account

Hi. I made swap yesterday with unsiwap on polygon. When I wanted to make another swap MetaMask showed very high gas and in ETH (on Polygon)… so I rejected. I checked with another Dex’s and the same… MetaMask was showing also info that there is a new address and if I want to add it. Next I saw that there is ETH (not wETH) on my Polygon MetaMask account. Could you explain what happened? What can I do to keep my MetaMask tokens safe? Earlier I send tokens via stargate, exchanged via Lili Fi, interacted with some protocols like Galxe, Layer 3. I revoked most token, disconnected most sites. Thank you

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Hi @dudu ,

Can you give more detail on what you mean by this “MetaMask was showing also info that there is a new address and if I want to add it” ?

Did you add it? Do you have any screenshots of what it looked like? (remove any sensitive information like your wallet address or name from screenshots).

In the meantime, some base steps to take:

  • Confirm your MetaMask is the most up to date version
  • If using extension, confirm your browser (like Chrome, Edge, etc.) is most up to date version
  • If on mobile, confirm your mobile software is most up to date
  • Run a malware/virus/etc scan on your device.
  • Check out this MetaMask Knowledge Base article. It has Basic Safety and Security tips, including ways to keep your device safe at the bottom:

It’s great you’re revoking token approvals as well as disconnecting from sites/dapps. These are great habits to have. Have you considered getting a hardware wallet for an extra layer of security? You could transfer everything of value to a hardware wallet. Then when you want to sell tokens, you could transfer them back to your MetaMask address, and only sign token/contract approvals from there.



I have encountered similar issues with MetaMask on various chains. The issue is only with displaying the native tokens, when we switch from one chain to another, it shows the previous chain native token in such cases. It considers the correct values though (for example, for the case you mentioned, it considers the gas fee based on MATIC), if you continue to confirm the swap.
I think it is only because of delay in loading. I could resolved the issue in such cases by changing to another chain and then back again to the same chain.


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