Funds lost to old address

I had bnb and eth in my wallet, I closed session and when I entered with my seed phrase my funds were lost and they gave me a different address, I already checked my old address and my money is still there. I am not placing a wrong seed. I have copied as the page gave me in addition to a photo, so it is not a seed error. and I already created more than 30 su accounts and my address is not there since I only have one account in metamask


yo tengo el mismo problema, supiste cómo resolverlo ?

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No hermano, y lo peor es que soporte no dice nada


Me pasó el mismo problema, hace 2 días, leí que debes crear entre 1-1000 cuentas nuevas y ver si sale la que tenías antes pero no si en verdad funciona.

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tambem estou com mesmo problema!!!

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I’ve seen this happen to people before. They added another wallet to their metamask existing wallet and when they restarted to their metamask by deleting and reinstalled, they copied the wrong seed phrase for the added wallet not the wallet they had the tokens in. I hate to break it to you, if they gave you another seed phrase and wallet address and you don’t have that other seed phrase that money is gone gone gone with nothing to be done except looking to see if you wrote that other seed phrase anywhere

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Pero es la misma frase semilla, tengo la imagen. No hay error en la frase semilla

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I’m haveing the exact same issue. So are many others on other threads and they are just blaming us


everyone has same issue but all they do is come on here and say its impossible


Did you have more than wallet on this particular app? If so I know the problem…


Same issue today has there been any resolutions

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dealing with support all day. I will definitely update if they can resolve it

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Y sabes la solución en ese caso en particular?

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I’m with the same problem, has anyone managed to solve it?

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Hi, I have in my Wallet 2 accounts, or 2 public addresses, the first one is the one it gave by default and the second one I created to use in the BSC network. Yesterday I had problems on my cell phone and needed to reinstall the app. I entered the 12 words, and as usual, it showed me only the default address, I registered the Binance Network, and following the recommendations, I gave it create, so I could recover the second public address, I did it 1, 2, 3 up to 26 times and it still does not show me the Public Address that I had originally. IT IS NOT AN IMPORTED ACCOUNT. It is original from the same wallet. I am entering the seed in the correct order and form, I check to avoid possible errors, and still nothing. I can’t get the second account to appear, I check Bscscan and there I can see my public address, with its balance, but I can’t see it in Metamask. It is the account I have to enter PlanVsUndead. I wrote to metamask support, but they claim it is impossible for this to happen, but it is happening to me!!!, and I read that I am not the only person with this situation, but metamask does not respond and does not seem to take reports seriously. Can you help me?

Metamask does not respond, because they claim, they are lies, or it is false what we say, apparently their algorithms are INFALLIBLE, they think so, because there are many of us with the same problem and still nothing, I have already generated more than 60 accounts, trying to show me the old one, where I have the funds, crazy.
I have already tried this:

The account you are missing was a secondary account created under the Secret Recovery Phrase you currently have.
To check if that is the case, use https:// danfinlay. github. io/ mnemonic-account-generator/ to generate 10 to 100 accounts and check if the missing accounts are in that list.

I generated up to 10000 accounts with that suggestion and still the account I am looking for is not showing up, no one responds on Metamask, what I have done is because other members of this community have posted suggesting, but Metamask DOES NOT RESPOND.

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I don´t have other account with Metamask… I Didn´t import any Account, I Put the right Seed (verified many times) still I can´t recover my secondary account.

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What do you mean secondary wallet? I don’t understand what you are talking about

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Yes, I’m talking about the secondary account, I can’t locate it, I can’t find it, I can’t recover it, it’s the secondary of my only Metamask account, they tell me it will appear if I create new ones, however using the link to generate accounts (it’s Metamask’s suggestion) I requested the 10000 accounts, and yes, it showed them to me, but in NONE of them was the secondary account that I am looking for, with which I enter plantsvsundead, where I have my pvu and balance, I look for it in BSCSCAN and it is there with its full balance, but I CANNOT SEE it in my metamask account.

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Okay I see what you are saying. I’m going to play around with mine for a little while and I’m confident I can help you, if you can see the Tokens in bscscan they can be reached. If I figure it out and get that back for you, I don’t require a donation for the help but it is appreciated. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you can, help me, I donate something to your wallet.

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