GNT from ledger did notarrived on my metamask account

Hi, Can somebody helpme with yhis : I sent 2976 GNT from my ledger Nano X to my metamask account.
According to etherscan my transaction is completed my I did not received any fund on my account.
What should I do ?
Many thanks

Hi arno must search GNT Contract Address

Hi Luigi,
Thanks for the answer : I’ve them but how can i use them or sell them as they are not on my metamask account ?
Many Thanks

what? :smiley: GNT not show on Metamask walet? you added contact address? 0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f2454d7D4aC0d

Read this:

and after read this: migrate their GNT to GLM

I did click on “add token to metamask (web3)”
metamask has open
I did confirm add the suggested token but my account is still empty

Hmm OK :roll_eyes: Try Hide GNT
and after Add Token- search GNT

or read this :point_down: