HaloFi withdrawal fails with message "nonce too low"

Withdrawing from the “Impact Quest” challenge on HaloFI is failing with the error message below; I am using MetaMask Edge extensions (v10.25.0). The Challenge page says the funds have been withdrawn, but they are not showing in the MetaMask wallet.

[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“data”:{“code”:-32000,“message”:“nonce too low”}}}’


Please update your MetaMask extension. We are on 10.28.3. If Edge only is offering 10.28.2, please remember to come back and update to 10.28.3 . See how here: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360060268452-How-to-update-the-version-of-MetaMask

If you have tokens to claim, the error code shared is most likely due to low gas. Try increasing the gas.

To confirm nothing phishy has happened with your wallet, you can review your wallet history on the block explorer. I am not familiar with the quest you are referencing, but it looks like it’s on CELO chain? If so, here is the block explorer link. You do not need to connect to this, you can simply copy in your wallet address to review any transaction history. Confirm you recognize the transactions on all tabs: https://explorer.celo.org/mainnet/tokens/0x471EcE3750Da237f93B8E339c536989b8978a438/token-transfers


Edge doesn’t offer 10.28.3 at the moment.

Yes it is on the CELO chain with Halo FI (halofi.me).

I have checked and nothing phishy has happened - Thank you.

In case you need to, although it should not be used, unless you need to do a transaction with a customized nonce, for cases such as cancelling a pending transaction.


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