How can set higher gas fee for transaction with nonce 0?

Description: My wallet’s transaction has been stuck around 16 hours by a transaction with nonce 0, how to set higher gas fee or cancel this transaction ?

Purpose: Cancel the transaction

Extension/Mobile/Both: 0x840d95de2e0b9f0bb18bea2b206c9e873d36a486672e637677af167029279bd3

Images/Attacments: No


hi @kwchik ,read this article carefully

When using this method, you will need to work backwards from the oldest pending transaction in the queue that you want to cancel . For example, you cannot attempt to cancel a transaction with a nonce of 10 before canceling nonce 9.

To make sure your cancellation request is picked up as a priority, and before the original, you will need to pay more for gas. On this screen, follow these instructions:

  • Set your gas limit comparable to or slightly higher than your original transaction.
  • Set your priority fee to at least 10% higher (in Gwei) than the gas fee of the original (pending) transaction (e.g. if that transaction had a gas fee of 30 Gwei, set the max priority fee in the replacement/cancellation transaction to 33-35 Gwei).
  • Make sure your max fee is at least 30% higher than the max fee of the transaction you’re replacing. For example, if your previous fee was 150 Gwei, choose something nearer 200 Gwei this time.

Hi Tuya, I can send another 0 ETH transaction with high gas fee for nonce 1, 2 and 3. But cannot set this for nonce 0.
My pending transaction is nonce 0

hi, according to the guidelines of the article, can’t you fill in the Custom Nonce as 0?

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I use Copy & Paste Function to Paste “0” to nonce field.
But finally the transaction has error: “ replacement transaction underpriced “

well, did you follow the instructions in the mobile section of the article to set the Advanced options? :thinking:
to make it easier to succeed, you can set it a little higher than that.

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Wow, problem solved, Thanks a lot.
Please Paste “0” to custom nonce filed. Because we cannot set 0 by used “+” and “-“ button


Great, glad your issue has been resolved. :joy:
Also, thanks for your suggestion, I will submit it to the team. :+1:


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