I cannot buy NFTs / accept WETH offers / swap tokens

I just get the following message: Execution reverted please contact collection owner to troubleshoot.

Is my wallet corrupted? If that’s a thing. Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks :pineapple:

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Hello @MisterPineapple, welcome to MetaMask community!

This sounds like there’s an issue with the smart contract of the NFTs you want to sell or there’s an issue on the buyer’s end if you’re trying to sell, or the NFT already sold when you are trying to buy.
In the case of swapping tokens, it would be best if you contact Support team at https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us and click Start a Conversation


Once you click Start a conversation a live chat bot will appear on your screen. It will give you an automated response at first, but afterwards you should be able to contact the support team directly.



Apart from the reasons mentioned above, if you received the error, when accepting an offer for an NFT, it may be because the buyer does not have enough funds.


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