Long Pending Transactiono

Hello, I have a pending transaction (id:0x7133e8f7fa40dd73991949578eedf0781816113434d72498e1ce89b9530883c4)
At first, I wanted to cancel this transaction but I can’t because only the Customize Gas shows up.
Then I tried to customize and it has been pending for hours now

Can you share the txid to check ?

look at your wallet using the blockchain explorer (Etherscan for Ethereum, BSCScan for BSC network) and check that there are no pending transaction on the blockchain.

If nothing says pending, then it is safe for you to just clear the transaction history on Metamask to clear the pending transaction so you can use your wallet again.

Fort that go to Settings, Advanced and push the Reset Account button. This will clear all transaction history and will clear the pending transaction.

What will happen when you reset the account? would SLP went back to Ronin?

I’m in the situation that my transaction has a Pending Status, Block, and even the Nonce for a day. What should I do?

This is the transaction hash: 0x960543b79991f2a367570ff735371b63599bf776552d079c9feb4cfb58d24835

Hi Jobloxolks,
May I know the update on your issue?
I’m also experiencing the same issue of pending transaction or just being queued forever in BNB Metamask. Doesnt even appear in the bscscan.
I’ve tried doing the reset options in which the history have been cleared.
But when i do a transaction still ends up being pending even i make the gas fee higher.

Did you end up resolving this issue? I am having the same problem.


Responded to in previous post