11 pending transaction polygon

Im delete history account and dont see pending transaction.
18 march im have 3 pending transaction 2 buy on magic eden and 1 send to bybit.
Then 19 march i have success transaction 1 matic to my other account, then in try send 200 matic and pending, then in try buy some items on magic eden and my pending grows up to 11. Im delete history account in metamsk phone app, and dont work sending.
Today i try buy items on pc browser and 11 pending transaction again.
Im dont see this pending transaction.

What should I do?)

Address 0x34bcb965665f2fe36c4536c6f8d65bfd0d951d21 | PolygonScan

Hi @user699

Welcome to MetaMask community,

Go to polygon block explorer. Check the pending transaction and find the lowest nonce of all the transactions. After this try to cancel the transaction starting with lowest nonce as provided on this support article for transaction pending on blockchain https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015489251-How-to-speed-up-or-cancel-a-pending-transaction


Aditonally, I don’t see any pending transaction on block explorer, so pending may be only from the wallet side. If its only pending in wallet, then try reset account activity following this support article https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015488891-How-to-clear-your-account-activity-reset-account


Im try reset account activity.

And there was such an error when sending the transfer.

Normally, internal JSON RPC error happens if you have insufficient gas fee token or due to rpc issue.

For first case, do not try to send/transfer max amount, you need some matic for gas fees. I can see you have 206 matic in your wallet now, so try to send less than 206, say max 204 depending on gas fees at the time of transfer.

For rpc issue, you can try to change rpc from ChainList

For the second one approval request, what are you trying to approve? Only approve the dapps which you trust before carrying out transaction related to it and always DYOR first.

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I am not sending the full amount, I understand that you need to leave it for gas. The situation is such that any amount is not sent, this error is issued. I even transferred an additional 0.5 matic and 0.6 matic to the account 2 times, but it didn’t help.

And about your second recommendation. What exactly do I need to do, how do I change the rpс?

I also do not understand why the wallet gives an error that there are no tokens for gas when there are 206 matic on the account, even 0.1 matic does not send, and why does the window pop up when buying a lot on magic eden that 11 transactions are pending?

Thanks for trying to help, but it’s not working yet =)

Click on add to MetaMask found in the last column which has two green ticks and give a try. If still does not work, remove the polygon network from MetaMask https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/4502810252059-How-to-remove-networks and go to the above chainlist rpc link, connect your wallet and click on Add to MetaMask


Thank you. Its works. You are the best! I change on two green ticks.

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