Lost my fund using wrong network

Hi MetaMask,

I am Vijeth. I had some tokens in my MetaMask wallet and I had to withdraw them. I was trying to transfer USDC from MetaMask to wazrix. The transaction was successful but I am not seeing any amount on wazrix. I am new to the blockchain world. That was my salary I have lost. Please help.
Transaction Details

Thank you for your help


Hi @vijethkgowda , welcome to MetaMask community!

Your transaction seems to have gone through. Based on what the tx id shows, your USDC reached this address: Address 0xbbd1289ac99ee8b68ae08e804ba2cef7f4d63d5f | Arbiscan

In order to find out what happened with your tokens, you need to proceed with wazirX support. They would need to support Arbitrum deposits of USDC, as that’s how you sent it to their exchange. Always make sure you do your own research before you interact or proceed with anything.


I have sent query in here
they responded I’ve made a note of your deposit. If a Recovery System is available in the future, we'll try our best to recover this for you. If the recovery is successful, you'll receive an email of "successful deposit".

Also they said We do not have an estimated timeline for when this feature will be developed. Such a recovery mechanism is extremely complicated to build and may result in significant cost, time, and risk which must be conducted under careful security audits.

It may take years to develope recovery system :sweat: I don’t know what to do. I am new to the blockchain. lost fund is my salary.

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Sorry to hear this but there’s not much you can do at this moment. Be more careful what you do and inform yourself as best as possible so you are sure of what your actions imply for yourself, to avoid such situations in the future.


Also for future reference, before making deposit/withdraw, always check first with the cex/network whether they support the given token in that network first and DYOR


I posted My issue in reddit some people replied me to contact officialmetamaskdesk@mail.com I am guessing this is a SCAM

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@vijethkgowda yes it’s a SCAM email :roll_eyes: only wazirx exchange can return it to you :neutral_face: no one else can.


Another tip, that does not help you right now, but might help you later, is to only transfer a small amount of your money to see if it works and ends up in the right wallet. Then you can transfer the rest when you are 100% sure everything is ok.


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