Lost tokens moving from Binance to Metamask

I moved some AVAX recently from Binance to Metamask, but the AVAX never showed up in my MM even though I added the custom token. Also the same with some 1 inch and some Matic a while back. Perhaps i did something wrong, but I can see the transactions have completed, and to my MM wallet address on both etherscan and bscscan, so I have the TXids from polygonscan, snowtrace and etherscan. Are they lost in the system, and if so, is there any way I can get them back?
i did see somewhere on here that I can put my wallet address into bscscan and then I should be able to see “BEP20 tokens” under the transactions section, but there is no BEP 20 button, and it just says there are " no matching entries"
Please help!!


Hey @thomasina, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

Whenever you’re interacting with tokens and transferring them, make sure you are using the right networks, or else you risk losing your funds.

Please refer to this article for your AVAX:


Thank u for the tutorial