Metamask extension accounts HACKED w/o keys?

0x077d360f11d220e4d5d831430c81c26c9be7c4a4 same address which has my funds.

update: this appears to be ChangeNow official address and it appears the way the attacker is exiting. ChangeNow have said that they will co-operate with any proper law enforcement process served on them.

"Here is their response when asked about this. Please do let us know here if anyone is able to successfully get a law enforcement intervention or intercept to This ChangeNow address:

We would be happy to cooperate on any investigations and provide necessary information. For that, we would kindly ask for an official inquiry from authorized government authorities, typically law enforcement agencies, of the local jurisdiction. We would also like to ask that this request:

  • is addressed specifically to our exchange service - ChangeNOW;

  • clearly outlines the requested information regarding transactions, addresses, and other relevant details, all listed in the request itself;

  • has signatures, stamps, and other relevant insignia verifying the authenticity of the requesting body or official.

We also understand that it might be difficult to get a request in the English language from local authorities in countries where English is not an official language, and we would gladly accept a translation thereof. As soon as we receive such a request, we would gladly cooperate and share all the information we are asked for.

Email law enforcement material to
