Missing coins from my meta mask account

Hey guys… my coins got sent out of my wallet two days back to a new wallet and I didn’t initiate the transaction… and I didn’t check any link, please is the new address mine? And how can I get back my coins please

Your wallet should have been stolen.

Stolen? The coins got sent to a new wallet… 2days back and that’s just my coins there

If you didn’t send it yourself, how could the coins be sent elsewhere if your wallet wasn’t stolen.

The person who stole your coins just needs to get your coins out of your hands. There is no need to send multiple times.

Please I need a dev to reply me, no one got my phrase

What smart contract transfers have you recently swapped or agreed to?

The wallet address is different and I haven’t used the address in a while to buy or swap

Is this wallet yours?

The one sent to is not mine, it got lost from my wallet

There are so many ways to steal wallets these days. And recently, a new virus has appeared specifically for MM, a browser plug-in wallet.

Omg! What’s that about?

Disguised as a MM upgrade, and then send your seed directly to the hacker.

Your accounts may have been compromised. Unfortunately the nature of blockchain transactions makes them irreversible. Let’s get you connected to support, here’s more info, with a link to our support team: Do you think your wallet has been hacked? - READ HERE

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