MTO token was not recived

hello, so the mto tokens were sent to my eth address on meta mask from the ico lunchpad and it says on the launchpad that the transaction is successful and the transaction id is :
and the timestamp is: 2021-07-09 02:20:16 UTC
but the tokens still hasn’t appeared on my wallet and I’m sure that the address is correct

you’re a fucking scammer

Hey @daz1 ,
I had a similar problem and found a solution on consensys net, about adding custom tokens to MetaMask.

Search Etherscan io for Merchant Token and you will find the contract address to add to your Meta Mask account.

MTO just isn’t in MetaMask mainstream support yet. But, if you have an etherscan transaction record in your Merchant Token ITO account, then the tokens should have been deposited.

Best of luck!