Network doesn’t match its associated chain ID or name

We recently launched our testnet, and when our users add our chain to their MetaMask wallet, they receive a risk warning. What do we need to do to remove this risk warning?


Hi could you please share the network parameters I’d love to try reproducing it. Did you add it on chainlink too?


Thank you very much. We have already submitted a PR to chainlist. These are our chain parameters: { "name": "Tabi Testnetv2", "chain": "TabiNetworkv2", "rpc": [""], "faucets": [""], "nativeCurrency": { "name": "Tabi", "symbol": "TABI", "decimals": 18 }, "infoURL": "", "shortName": "tabitestv2", "chainId": 9788, "networkId": 9788, "icon": "tabitestv2", "explorers": [ { "name": "Tabi Testnet V2 Explorer", "url": "", "icon": "tabitestv2scan", "standard": "none" } ] }

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thanks for sharing, it’s strange our team was able to add it


Hi there,
I suggest contacting the MetaMask support team to investigate this warning. It could potentially be from Blockaid.

In order to do this please visit and click on the large blue “Start a Conversation” bubble located in the middle right of the page. A live chat bot will appear on your screen. It will give you an automated response at first, but afterwards you should be able to contact the support team directly.


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