Network doesn’t match its associated chain ID or name

We recently launched our testnet, and when our users add our chain to their MetaMask wallet, they receive a risk warning. What do we need to do to remove this risk warning?

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Hi could you please share the network parameters I’d love to try reproducing it. Did you add it on chainlink too?


Thank you very much. We have already submitted a PR to chainlist. These are our chain parameters: { "name": "Tabi Testnetv2", "chain": "TabiNetworkv2", "rpc": [""], "faucets": [""], "nativeCurrency": { "name": "Tabi", "symbol": "TABI", "decimals": 18 }, "infoURL": "", "shortName": "tabitestv2", "chainId": 9788, "networkId": 9788, "icon": "tabitestv2", "explorers": [ { "name": "Tabi Testnet V2 Explorer", "url": "", "icon": "tabitestv2scan", "standard": "none" } ] }

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thanks for sharing, it’s strange our team was able to add it


Hi there,
I suggest contacting the MetaMask support team to investigate this warning. It could potentially be from Blockaid.

In order to do this please visit and click on the large blue “Start a Conversation” bubble located in the middle right of the page. A live chat bot will appear on your screen. It will give you an automated response at first, but afterwards you should be able to contact the support team directly.

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