No Accounts in Wallet After Reinstall MM Browser Extension

As per title, I did a reinstall of MetaMask Extension because I felt it was not the latest version, after I deleted it from Brave browser and install back, I put my phrase key and new password, not sure why it asked for new password, maybe it’s the procedure, after I log in, there is only Account 1 in my MetaMask, but the created ones are gone.
After I read in knowledge base that I have to add them manually one by one, but I even don’t remember them all, I had more than 100 accounts, as per knowledge base any accounts with ETH will add automatically, but they will not add automatically cause there is 0 eth in them.
How to be now, isn’t there an easier way?
Thank you.




I know about this, need some automatic way for beggars like me with 0ETH.

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See the #2 option on this MetaMask Knowledge Base article:


I went there, it display accounts and with QR codes and address under each, what now?
I need a easy way so that my accounts will appear as they were without me spending time on adding them one by one and renaming each again.
For more info, I used one phrase key and those more than 100 accounts were under this one phrase, which i used to restore the accounts.
Also, how to prevent this to happen in the future? If this is a file stored in browser folder I would like to know which it is so I can backup it for future use cases.

As a complaint I think it is an awful experience to log in to your wallet and there is zero accounts, then in KB you are told that you must recreate manually accounts with 0 ETH so they will link again, but I understand there is 1% of people with so many accounts, so it is understandable. IMO
Maybe developers can add something for such cases, so that accounts will add automatically even if they are empty.
Thank you for the time taken to give a hand!

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Hey @Neosverse ,

I don’t think there is a way to add back in without manually re-adding, but I’ll confirm.
Assuming there are ways devs build something to do this for themselves. 100+ wallets is not general practice for most (as you’ve also said). One possible solution would be keeping a small amount of ETH in each wallet (not skipping any). The article @snwlprd.eth shared notes that accounts get added that have ETH in them on Ethereum Mainnet. Once MM hits one account without ETH it no longer restores (even accounts with ETH past that).


Confirmed, there is no way other way through MetaMask interface to restore accounts besides hitting ‘+ create account’ on accounts that did not load.


@Neosverse. Whats the advantage in having so many accounts?
That just seems like a nightmare to keep track of…


In case you want to reserve usernames on OpenSea you create the needed accounts.


Why reserve so many OS accounts? We’re all now curious. lol

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Hi, I might reveal this later but for the moment it’s a secret. :wink:
Between, thanks for all the help!

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You’re correct. You have to manually add all your tokens.


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