Restore from an old backup

Hi guys,

I went to open Meta Mask on my pc for the first time in a very long time and its asking me to create a new wallet or restore an existing wallet. I don’t think I saved the SRP anywhere.

I do have an old ldb file though, from 2018 which is when I was using the wallet to store my coins. Uploading that file to the decrypter tool it says its not valid. When I open it in notepad++ I can’t find any of the strings - keyring, salt etc I am wiondering, did the format change in this time and maybe there is a different recovery process, or am I screwed? I tried openign all my files in the decrypter tool and it says none are valid.

I opened a support ticket but they were not able to assist either.


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Hi @flamer , welcome to MetaMask community

Please contact MetaMask support at and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. Our agents will never DM you support. Never provide your secret recovery phrase (SRP) or private key to anyone/links including our support agent. There may be delayed response because its weekend currently.


Ok good news I found my SRP and now can see my balance. phew.