Sent ETH to BNB network (Smart Chain)

Hello Community

I see other people have similar problems, but perhaps I need it in little more detail as I am new to this:

Purpose: I want change ETH for Superbid through Uniswap.

  1. I created the following network on Metamask:

    **Network Name: Smart Chain
    **New RPC URL:
    **ChainID: 56
    **Symbol: BNB
    **Block Explorer URL:

  2. I bought ETH on Binance which I transferred to my wallet ID on Metamask.

ETH did not appear (probably because its a BNB Symbol). ??
therefore I read through the community forum, and figured that I could add a random token, and put in the address: “0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8”

Now ETH appears on my “Smart Chain Network”.

  1. When I want to integrate the Smart Chian network to UniSwap, through the UniSwap website it tells me its wrong network.

Now I believe that my only option is to sent the ETH back to Binance, as I dont think it is possible to transfer between network?

  1. in order to transfer back to Binance, it askes for gas-prices? It keeps saying I dont have enough funds. Is it only BNB I can use as Gas-payments? - how many should I buy…

  2. what should I have done differently in order to make it work. First time. - Is the smart chain even necessary?

Warm regards and thank you in advance.


Hi Anders :slightly_smiling_face: order to transfer back to Binance, it askes for gas-prices? It keeps saying I dont have enough funds. Is it only BNB I can use as Gas-payments? - how many should I buy…

YES :point_right: Binance Smart Chain need to get some BNB to pay for gas… only BNB
and minimum Binance withdrawal is 0.05 BNB :point_down:


3 posts were split to a new topic: Transfer from Trust Volt to MetaMask

i think you can add chain from chainlist or chainlist.defilama