Token Swap (Matic)

I think I need to file a legal case against Metamask.

I’ve had the same problem Kanu99 swapping $400usd worth of Decentral Games ICE tokens yesterday for WBUSD. What I thought would be 1 to 1. I then received 10 WBUSD? I’m also seeking help to resolve this asap and am now waiting with a ticket number. Sorry to sound a bit ignorant here myself but is WBUSD actually wrapped BUSD or something else? When I go to swap the WBUSD it is saying it is worth $16 each($160 usd) but there is no liquidity so I can even swap it back out and get some of my money back. Very confused and frustrated myself…and worried it is all lost. I need help.

Metamask is just a decentralized wallet. It does not provide a pool of liquidity. When encountering low liquidity transactions, it usually gives a red prompt. At this time, we need to carefully read the contents of the prompt and self evaluate the upcoming risks.

what dapp do you use?you should go into the dapp discord and react to this

please show your transtion hash

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So isn’t there any way to get our tokens back worth same as they were before?

Sorry to tell you mate but it’s unfortunately gone. I had to face the reality myself that my $400usd swap was now worth $37usd. They do warn you before the swap…Metamask (as explained to me) is just a wallet. Bitter pill to swallow but I’ll put it down to experience.

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