Tokens didn’t come

Can’t see tokens after swapping


Only native coins are added to a chain by default. Tokens for that chain can be stored, you’ll just need to add them before they’re displayed. See how to here: How to View Your Custom Tokens in MetaMask


Already added it, but balance don’t update

Odd. Try removing it by long pressing, then readding to see if that forces it to update.

Also, double check the Contract address. Some sources (especially coinMarketCap) have the wrong address listed, which can cause this behavior. (Binance-Peg USD Coin (USDC) Token Tracker | BscScan)

Thank you. Did it, but also have some balance. Removed token and copied address from Pancake.

Addresses are correct. Can I cancel transaction or do something else?

@ZanOdin see this video use CoinGecko…

2 posts were split to a new topic: Swapped my bnb into FTM, not appearing

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