Transaction is successful but Ether balance is not updated

Hey, I have an issue. I sent Ether to my MM and It shows success on Etherscan but balance shows zero (no updated). I installed MM on Firefox, still no luck. I tried other solution like removing cache, etc…moving network up and down…no luck…I am using Ubuntu V 16 and chrome and Firefox

On activity tab it shows Receive (success) but on Assets tab it shows zero…I tried all solutions in found in forum but no luck.

Pls any help…I need to fix this ASAP

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Make sure you are on the correct wallet address that the ETH has been sent to, and try these steps in our Knowledge Base:

If the issue still continues, would you be able to send a transaction hash? That would provide more helpful information.

I followed steps but no luck. Here is my transaction hash: 0xd750f7503343a11955681ae84c0dde01a0180211633c90be422f2b3720f23b5c

It looks like there has been another transaction of ETH out of your account afterwards. Did you confirm this transaction?

No. To my knowledge, no one has access to my wallet. Can you confirm that it is done via my public wallet address: 0x71bE63f3384f5fb98995898A86B02Fb2426c5788

Yes, this transaction was from 0x71bE63f3384f5fb98995898A86B02Fb2426c5788.

Unfortunately, it is likely that your wallet has been compromised. Please refer to this post here: