I have a bit of a bizarre issue that I have not seen before. I had a pending contract creation that I decided I didn’t want anymore so I sent 0eth to myself to cancel it, but I meant to match the nonce of the contract creation (which was 0) but accidentally put 2. So I then sent another transaction to myself with the correct nonce of 0, which canceled the contract creation. However, the first self-transaction is still pending, and is not visible on the block explorer.
I tried speeding up and cancelling the first self transaction but I’m getting an error. Not sure what to do here, because I can’t cancel it or send any transactions.
Wallet: 0x41d762161d0866288719921107b4F6C1D5873634
I get this error when attempting to send a new self transaction.
This is the pending transaction with nonce 2 that won’t go away and is not showing on the block explorer.
Info on the pending transaction again.
The activity log.
Let me know if there’s any questions regarding this that I can clarify.