Hey, So I tried sending from my metamask to KuCoin and it’s stuck on Pending and I tried looking for it on Etherscan and it doesn’t exist
TXID: 0x1ec80171fc35321608261538c927c3ddb1b08ad1677f209c2e43e4912c0ce17d
Hey, So I tried sending from my metamask to KuCoin and it’s stuck on Pending and I tried looking for it on Etherscan and it doesn’t exist
TXID: 0x1ec80171fc35321608261538c927c3ddb1b08ad1677f209c2e43e4912c0ce17d
Please post in the proper channels.
I’m not finding that hash on any of the major blockchain explorers either.
Could try searching your wallets address. That will show all transactions (including the pending one) and grab a hash from that.
If you need to speed it up or cancel, heres the steps for that: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489251-How-to-speed-up-or-cancel-a-pending-transaction
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