Unapproved transaction on Linea

I have an unapproved transaction in my MetaMask wallet on the Linea chain for over a month. I don’t know how to get rid of it.

Usual solutions don’t work. I have tried - increasing gas, cancelling, changing the nonce to override it

If I use ‘clear activity tab data’ in advanced settings, will this get rid of it? Also, will this just clear data on the Linea network? I don’t really want to clear all my wallet data.

Thanks for any help. I’ve never experienced this in 4 years using MetaMask

hi @BSC , follow this to cancel it.


Yes. I have tried all these methods and they are not working.

If the transaction does not exist :eyes: you cannot cancel it. You can just delete the activity data or ignore this transaction.


Thanks. If I delete activity data will it only delete Linea chain data? I don’t want to delete all the data on all the chains for my wallet

In the following link, it is written that clearing account activity only affects the current network, but based on my experience, it has cleared other network data as well.

A few times, I have encountered the same issue on Linea and could resolve it by disabling the MetaMask wallet from the “Manage extensions” of the browser and enabling it again. You may want to try it to see if it works or not.


Thanks. I went ahead and did ‘clear activity tab data’. That has cleared the pending transaction