So I purchased $400 worth of Ethereum through transak via MetaMask. After dinner a few keystrokes on a blog article I’m writing on “Crypto-Scammers”, I fell asleep sometime around 10pm-11pm.
When I awoke this morning and checked my MetaMask wallet, I was shocked to see my balance $0.00
I scrolled down immediately to my activity log and fml there was a transaction initiated at 1:42amPST that I did not initiate or authorize! I was literally sleep at the time for crying out loud!
Next I check ether scan and the transaction hash and all is available to see. So I go to the address that got my Eth and holy cow this account has over 50 Eth and counting! The transactions are ongoing each within only a few hours apart. I mean this scammer is racking it up!! Why can’t anyone stop this??? Is there no way to trace?!