Unauthorized Transaction in Matic/polygon network

When i woke up this morning all my tokens are gone, vis,usdt usdc. And i tried to tracked it i saw in polygonscan that someone transferred my tokens to other address in this address " 0xcf067e70Cd91BdC9E4F4AA34f36D732a3aEd8564 " i didnt share my seed phrase. Im the only who can open my own acct. thats why i dont know how its happend

Transaction hash:


(Scammer wallet address: 0xcf067e70Cd91BdC9E4F4AA34f36D732a3aEd8564)


(Scammer Wallet address : 0xecf185d8114664e42dae0701eaff1a50a3613a05)

Is there a chance to recover my tokens?

Hello and welcome to MetaMask community :slight_smile:
If you have unauthorized transactions in your wallet, it may be that your wallet has been compromised.

If you believe this is the case, please submit a ticket to the MetaMask support team at
https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us You just need to scroll down and click Start a Conversation, then a live chat box window will automatically appear on your screen where you may contact the support team.


And also there is a good article you can read to learn more about the steps you are advised to take if you think your account was compromised → I’ve been hacked/scammed (unauthorized transactions on my account)

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Hi @Mr_Crypto ,

I am sorry this is has happened. Please see this post that shares two steps you can follow in the case of a compromised account:

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