Wallet cant swap, buy, send and many errors

I have a ticket open but she doesnt respond or help. I havent been able to do anything with my wallet for 7 days. I get many diff issues while using MM extention, mobile wallet, and injected Rabby. My wallet and etherscan also shows the proper amount of eth but when I go to swap eth for something within my wallet, the eth balance is different. Also, if i connect to dapp, i get these errors. With orbiter it doesnt even recognize it unless i take a picture with phone for wallet connect. I have a ton of screenshots but the main error i get is:

{‘code’: -32000, ‘message’: ‘insufficient funds for gas * price + value: balance 74869112147010115, queued cost 74176848000009023, tx cost 7921500000009031, overshot 7229235853007939’}

I also get sometimes will get to the approval and swap phase and then it just fails immediately and nothing happens, no error. Ive uninstalled all wallet extenions, ive reinstalled mm ext. But the fact it happens on my mobile ios wallet and any browser seems likes its not related to that. I have many ohter screnshots showing stuff but never seen anything like this. Alsmot like it is off kilter with chain

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I also have console error

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Hey @kev6873, welcome to the MetaMask community!

Since you already have a ticket opened it would be best to continue communication through your ticket. How long has it been since there has been no response? Can you share your ticket #?


@nakedwinnie she doesnt respond theres been no progress

MetaMask Ticket #1099970


A post was split to a new topic: Re-installing MM app

How long has it been since no response? Please understand that it may take some time for the support team members to respond.


Hi @kev6873,

These kinds of issues that you reported are usually related to the network/IP or RPC you are using.

  1. Make sure that the network connection is strong.

  2. Try to change the VPN/IP to see what happens.

  3. Changing the RPC may help you as well.
    From the following link, add another appropriate Ethereum RPC to your wallet. Click on the small arrow under the Ethereum box, and add another RPC to your wallet.
    https:// chainlist. org/

  4. After following the suggestions above, if the issue still persists, clearing the browser’s cache may be helpful.

  5. last but not least, make sure that both your wallet and the browser are the latest versions.

Let us know in case you need further assistance.


its been at least 3 days and i have been giving her more and more info and screenshots each day bc things seem to change and ive never seen anything like this in a wallet…and going on a week…last tx was 28th and i cant do anything but watch the wallet …but she isnt doingn anything…ive given so much data and info i need it escalated or at least a workaround to get my money out

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ive done all that…nothing changes…except the RPC made my wallet balances differnt for eth…balance , the right one, shows .07, but when i go to swap, the eth balance shows .00003

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also, im not on vpn rn…i turned it off…

you want me to refresh my ip? how would this make any difference when the mobile wallet is doing the same thing…that makes no sense…ive deleted the mobile wallet and reinstalled too…since the mobile wallet does it too there is something else going on

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No, I though you may have used a VPN and that has caused the issue. Then please follow the other suggestions carefully.

As an another suggestion, you can install the same wallet on another browser and see how it goes.


you are not listening im sorry …

Ive installed on 3 browsers, used diff evm wallets injected, used mm app…deleted a ton of extensions…it is not a browser issue…if it were, the mobile app wouldnt be giving the same error ad like i said, ive done all that except refresh the ip

I let the team know and someone should be with you ASAP


You had better follow the case with the support team, but you may want to try the following suggestion.

I remember a similar issue got resolved after changing the IP via changing the internet service provider. Then changing your IP via VPN may resolve the issue as well. Just try various IPs by using an appropriate VPN. Remember to use an appropriate RPC at the same time.


they told me to do a new profile with no extensions on chrome…that worked for mm swap only but not to connect to dapps and do bridging or swapping i get this

Request Arguments: from: 0x5CF24F62bCc2fAfA056C8d1429bC799400e285ab to: 0x2fc617e933a52713247ce25730f6695920b3befe value: 0.0023 ETH data: 0x gas: 21000 Details: [ethjs-rpc] rpc error with payload {“id”:7321684897907,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“params”:[“0x02f87401820f0a8405f5e10085138ddc18ba825208942fc617e933a52713247ce25730f6695920b3befe87082bd67afbc00080c080a0f2c2c3ff6fb88666513682d3a11712a3ab02b047fca6f2ff3ef6b3b72ed23498a01568567e2dd53cdf8ce2148e2085132c72e27c230bed88cec7c377c50642d1e6”],“method”:“eth_sendRawTransaction”} [object Object] Version: viem@1.18.7

i rried orbiter and layerswap

It would be best to continue communications with the support team regarding this issue.