Where did my money go?

I bought my first NFT off Open Sea. I chose MetaMask wallet (joined up), and transferred the money from my fiat bank account using Transak and paid fee for this. Then I tried to buy the NFT with ETH, but it was on a side chain Polygon, so it said I had to convert. So I converted and finally got the NFT.

Along the way, I seem to have lost over $100 fiat (NZD). How do I work out where it all went? I can’t seem to find a record. I want to avoid such a loss in future.!

Thank you for advice

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Hello, in the process of cross chain, some gas will be consumed. In addition, gas is required for any operation on the chain. Therefore, in order to save gas, the best way is to deposit the funds on the chain you need at the beginning. You can view your records on the chain through the following methods.

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Thank you.
I actually found the missing money a few minutes ago. It was way too much to have lost to gas fees so I thought it was stolen. But it was in my account on the Ethereum main chain , whereas I was looking on the Polygon chain, thinking they were the same thing!

Steep learning curve. !

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HI @lcdavison ,

We’ve all been there. Here are some articles that might help give some insight -


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