Wrong password limit? Backup account names before seed phrase recover?

I have an installed MetaMask extension in Chrome and after a long time (almost a year) I wanted to access my MetaMask, but it says “wrong password”.

I’m sure to use the correct password since I use a password manager and copy&paste. But I have some clutter in the password manager so I maybe used the wrong password multiple times after that long time using MetaMask. Or it is because of a MetaMask update and many Chrome updates happened in the meantime, also?

Therefore two questions, please:
Is there a limit for trying passwords and after that limit, MetaMask is locked until I restore with my seed phrase? If so, does the app show this lockout somehow/-where?

If I restore with my seed phrase all (sub-)accounts and chains will be removed IIRC. Is there a way to first make a backup of all accounts (at least the accountnames) so that I do not miss any account while reconfiguring? Or check a website that can list all (sub-)accounts? Again, IIRC, there was a .json file somewhere with account names, wasn’t it?

Thanks a lot, Lex

Hi @alex99999 , welcome to MetaMask community!

The password is something you set yourself. There is no database of any passwords, it’s stored locally on your machine.

It would be best if you contact Support team at https://support.metamask.io and click Start a Conversation


Once you click Start a conversation a live chat bot will appear on your screen. It will give you an automated response at first, but afterwards you should be able to contact the support team directly.

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