There are two transactions, the second one which is the one that blocked everything and the first one I tried to do to unblock the situation but nothing…
I tried speeding it up, canceling it to send me something to unblock but still nothing…
I tried from trust wallet to send me a transaction with nounce=0 which is the one from the second transaction but trust wallet won’t take me a nounce=0 or =1… and even from MetaMask with all the advanced settings I can’t find the option nounce…
I thought after 24h it would reset itself but still nothing…
I also tried resetting MetaMask and try to do a new transaction but still nothing, below you can see what I get…
I also tried a few minutes ago to send me two transactions one with low fees and one with high fees but still nothing…
I don’t know what to do anymore, could you please help me ?
Hi @JRose
Try to set the values for the Max base fee and Priority fee without the 0 in the front and see if the transaction goes through. So instead of 070 or 02 just type in 70 or 2 as an example. And always check the gas fees on the networks gas tracker 66 Gwei | Ethereum Gas Tracker | Etherscan
In the first transaction that needs to be replaced, the one with nonce 0, the MAX fee was 10gwei and MAX priority 2.5gwei. Now, can you give it a try following these instructions?
Update: I tried to made a transaction to myself from the same address and the firs pending transaction disappeared, then I tried with the same method for the second transaction with nounce=1 but nothing… Then I tried with other two address but always the same errore : Transaction 0 failed! [ethjs-query] etc…
I will try when gas fee are lower, let’s hope well
I just checked on etherscan and the transaction with Nonce 0 was replaced and the one with Nonce 1 has the status Dropped & Replaced, so I assume it should be fixed soon.
In the second self transaction that you made your fees were Max: 60 Gwei |Max Priority: 1.7 Gwei, but on the gas tracker it shows that for Max priority you should have at least 2