Can't import account

Hi I updated my chrome extension from 10.3.0 to 10.4.1, in the process I lost all my accounts.
I was able to use my seed phrase to import my main account, then I added another account and it was one of mine, when I went to create the last account it was not the one I had previously created.
I need to add 0x64Db262b473c5C8E9DF145333A461a34e050616E into my account, it’s called Leonie.

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Hey @com5984, please make sure that the Secret Recovery Phrase is the correct phrase for the wallet address you are trying to access, and that the address was not an imported account.

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Having a similar issue can anyone help me?

  • Reinstalled OS
  • Imported using seed phrase
  • Used “Create Account” method
  • Recovered two accounts
  • Can’t recover a third account which is connected to a hardware wallet (ledger nano x)

Can’t seem to find a solution as I only have my seed phrase and not my private key. My nano x operates just fine. Can anyone please help me?

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Hey @sneakysnake, this is because your hardware wallet is an imported account, and not a part of the wallet with the same Secret Recovery Phrase. You have to connect your Ledger to your MetaMask wallet again.

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