About the Backup / Restore / Import category

Have questions about how to backup, restore, or import your MetaMask wallet? Ask them here!

Topics you might post or read about:

  • Securely saving and storing your seed phrase
  • How to import your MetaMask wallet on a new device
  • How to import a private key to your MetaMask wallet
  • How to restore your MetaMask wallet

Hi, i have 5 metamask account, i’m using chrome extension. when i’m trying to export my accounts it only shows the same mnemonic, i already tried changing one account to another but it only shows the same mnemonic. To clarify Account 1 - 5, account number 2-5 shows the same mnemonic from account number 1.


Hi bharmon,

Good morning. Hope you are doing well and had a nice Easter holiday.
I have a question about how to restore my Metamask account,
I accidentally did not see a Metamask login page had been moved onto a scroll bar.
I then thought I had to import my account via seed phrase to a new account.
I did that but apparently I did not do it correctly as I did not or add a private key phrase which is I am not sure how to identify on the Metamask account.
I thought I restored the account with the tokens but the new account does not show the tokens.
Have I lost these tokens or coins permanently?.

I would love to recoup my tokens or coins if possible.

Thank you for your consideration.




i am facing same issue, i have lost my coins and have been trying for 2 days to recoup but no success!
please let me know how to resolve this
many thanks


Morning everyone,

I trust that everyone is well. I am also having a similar issue. I have my seed phrase which I always use and have been trying to log in to my account but the extension keeps rejecting my seed phrase as an invalid seed phrase when I have been using the same seed for months. I don’t have the private key and I only have the account address. Is there a way I can use my account address to retrieve the account or the tokens in that account since the seed I use has appeared to be invalid. I would like to know if this can be resolved.


Hello everyone,

I m facing actually the same problem. After an attempt of hack i delete my wallet before attempting to generate a new one with my seed phrase.
The app told my unvalid seed phrase. But that s exactly my seed phrase.
I don t know how to do éventually. I have all my incomes and assets in this wallet and know i m thinking about suicide.

Sorry, for this message i hope you ll all be good


Mail ajahaitem@gmail.com


You’ll have the same seed phrase for all of your MetaMask accounts/addresses, but different private keys for each one.

You can find steps on how to locate your private keys here.


Welcome to the MetaMask Community @RonK!! :fox_face: :rocket:

When you import an account, you will need to add the RPC network and custom tokens that were on your previous wallet. Your balance has not changed, just your wallet settings, which you’ll need to reconfigure.


Dear bharmon,

Thanks for your thoughtfulness,
How do I reconfigure my wallet??

Thanks again.




Welcome to the MetaMask Community @ili! :fox_face: :rocket:

Can you please clarify what you mean by “lost coins?”

Be sure you’ve added the custom tokens to your wallet.

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Hi there

Thanks for getting back to me

I bought some tokens end of match and vested them in my MM wallet this was on RSK mainnet.

1 week later i bought a different token on Eth mainnet and used MM

Where i went wrong i think instead of downloading a new MM wallet for i used impoert wallet with seedphrase and kept doing that for other tokens

Now i cannot find the address with the RSK address

I have the public address if that would help you to help me recover the tokens

this is my wallet address 0x7FD733A5e4B4F0Cd51E85d53199594c057fD2d46

Many thanks

Also to add im very to MM so please forgive me for this mess



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I have Meta ask set up in my android phone. I have the seed phrase I used in my phone set up. Now I downloaded Meta Mask to my Laptop and set up an account. How do I enter my seed phrase so I can see my tokens that I can see in my phone set up.

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Hi I had a problem in one transaction and wrote it to your Tweeter account. They answered me as " to connect Metamask API interface network"

How I can do this ? Can someone help me ?

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I don’t remember the private keychain of the second account in the metamask what should I do


Please help me to restore my account. Im not remember my secret recovery phase. But i know my address id. Thank you for helping me

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Hi I have a issue where I was prompted to rest my account

I use biometrics so forgot my password I tried restoring my wallet with the seedphrase but now I have a different wallet address

I have been trying to import old address/account but have been unsuccessful. I was connected through Twitter too the tech support manager who is asking me to send $120 of eth to

0xd89073435972e7033f1bf964cfec4420f1aa0112 This address to capture network fee for a glitch of course not comfortable in doing that also have been told my old account has been compromised

Can someone please help me to recover my old address/account I have a copy of my address hopefully that helps and I know the seedphrase for old account :weary:

Thankyou hopefully I can get some help

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Hello pls help me I lost my old account and I dont have the private key? Pls help

I had a problem with my phone so i need to reset everything. when i entered back to Metamask, its only showing Account 1. Account 2 and Account 3 is not showing and i havent exported any keys or know the details of the accounts. Any idea how i can retrieve the other 2 accounts? Both have Coins in them.

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