I got robbed of 55 bnb about 2 months ago. They didn’t get to 1,500 on a diff wallet. I just got 13 bnb from working super hard turning that 1,500 into the 5500. I transferred the funds to a diff wallet on my metamask on my phone in order to protect myself from getting robbed again. I literally just did this yesterday.
Of course I forgot to record the seed phrase. I feel like a fuckingidiot. Now I’m getting an error code when I try to log in on my phone. Saying there’s a storag error.
So to protect my money, I transferred to a new wallet, then as my luck has it, I get the first error code I’ve ever ever gotten. And now I’m getting robbed a second time. Is there no way whatsoever for Metamask to start up without resetting it? Or a way to find the seed phrase for the lost account?
I feel like giving up, 55 bnb was one thing, but now another 12? I think I’m gonna jump off a bridge. Metamask really needs to tighten up and provide more help to their users in situations like this… lost all hope.