Eth send does not work

I’m trying to send ETH and something doesn’t seem to be working.

Is this because of the previous transactions that have not been done?
How can I fix it.

I tried to click away some things but it didn’t work. What should I do?

I have a screenshot. Don’t know how to post it here.

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Please follow what this article mentions, to fix your issue. Read it entirely.

Need I first cancel my latest unsuccessful transaction?
I have not enough ETH to do this. It was a big NFT buy compared to the remaining balance on this wallet

You need to read the article and follow what it says, depending on what your situation is and what you need to do about it.

Is there a other option?

I have not enough ETH left to do that.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-21 um 15.31.05

That was then a tripple spend when i buying a NFT. Only the first transaction was succesfull.

Hello friend,
You need ETH for fees either to cancel/speed up or do custom cancellation using nonce.
So, kindly try to have ETH balance to cancel/speed up. You may use CEX or transfer from other chains. Unfortunately, nothing can be done if you don’t have ETH for gas

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I have only a small amount left. The all Gas Fees would be together higher. I try it over 20 times and have over 20transactions unsuccesfull.

The other alternative can be wait for the gas fees to come down if funds are not urgent. Check the gwei of the transaction you made, if the gwei of transaction is nearby current gwei (base + priority), then you may wait for gas to go down. If this does not solve, you need to speed up/cancel as mentioned in article. Please use method 2 custom nonce cancellation method, by finding the lowest nonce of the transactions. If you don’t have fees to do this cancellation transaction, then like said before, kindly transfer sufficient ETH fees required.

The fees would be too high compared to the remaining balance and the number of transactions.

what will happen if i delete MetaMask and try it again with my seed? Would I have the same unsuccesfull transactions in my wallet?

Not a single Transaction is in the blockchain visible.

If the transaction is not on-chain, which is, if you cannot find in block explorer, then you can try to reset the network


now it has worked
thank you

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