I am having getting an Eth transaction unstuck. This particularly transaction is pending for 76 hours now. The following hacks have been tried unsuccessfully.
Cancel transaction with higher gas fees
Speed up transaction with higher gas fees
Send 0ETH transaction to myself with custom nonce
Reset Account
Sadly none of the options above have worked. I have tried all of those several times from my laptop and on my phone with the same result.
On the phone i get an error message saying: “replacement transaction underpriced” . I have tried to send a transaction to myself with a small amount to see if that helps. Got the same error message.
I would appreciate any help that can get this stuck transaction unstuck.
Hey @shaoye3000, welcome to the MetaMask community!
Are there multiple pending transactions? If so, please make sure you are trying to cancel/speed up the oldest one.
Try to also increase the gas fees even higher and see if that works, and please also make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to pay for the gas fees.