Getting JSON RPC error on BASE NETWORK

Hi Team,

I am getting JSON RPC Error when SWAP or BRIDGE crypto, but this issue is only on Base network. I’ve checked the RPC link which i added. It was working great from months but now suddenly getting error whenever i try to do transaction. How to resolve this?

I already follow these instruction:

  1. I delete the old BASE network and add the Base Network under network MetaMask settings.
  2. I already cleared cookies and cache.
  3. Increase and Decrease gas fee
  4. Import wallet to another browser (FireFox) but fail too

Please help !!!


Hi @dcacryptodaily you also tried some other RPC server addresses from the chainlist website :point_right: Base RPC and Chain settings | ChainList ?


Hi @Lugi

Which one i should try. I try many but fail.

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Especially those with a green pipe :white_check_mark:
Try Brave browser instead of Firefox.

PS: Sometimes it helps to change the gwei value.


Can you provide your wallet address please? I’ll have a quick look.



I try Brave but still don’t work…

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On the picture :roll_eyes:they write that ZKEVM is temporarily offline :grinning: try later


If this issue isn’t only related to Orbiter (dApp specific) then try the following.

  1. Check your address on basescan and find the latest succesful transaction executed by you. Find the nonce of that and add 1 to it. I.e. if the nonce of the latest TX you executed (not ingoing transaction) is 10 then we will use nonce 11.
  2. Use the custom nonce method explained here: How to speed up or cancel a pending transaction | MetaMask Help Center 🦊♥️
  3. Make sure to manually edit the gas fee before self-sending. Set it to 0.2 GWEI.

Keep me updated.



I swap and bridge on BASE CHAIN NETWORK not the ZKEVM

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