How can i join shiba inu stake project and bury my shibas?

How can i join shiba inu stake project and bury my shibas???

Do you have your $SHIB token in your wallet or not? If you got $SHIB token then you should go to step number 8, but If you haven’t then follow this step by step:

  1. Make sure you have enough ETH in your MetaMask wallet.

  2. Go to SHIBA web page, and always make sure you open ShibaSwap from Shiba official page.

  3. Connect your MetaMask wallet to ShibaSwap, you can see your wallet address on top right window if you have successfully connected, and then click SWAP.

  4. Choose ETH (swap from) to SHIB (swap to).
    You can type SHIB smart contract in to make sure you pick the right SHIB token and click import: 0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce

  1. Input how much ETH you want to spend and click swap, and then click confirm swap.

  2. The next window you have to confirm your transaction.

  3. And you have to wait a couple minutes before the transaction success.

  4. After you have received your $SHIB token, then you can click ShibaSwap logo on the top left window to back to front page, and then you can click Bury (Stake tokens).

  5. Click Bury Shib.

  6. And you can click stake, and choose 100% and then click stake.

  7. You have to confirm again (another ETH for gas fees).