I made a withdrawal to the paid market, it didn't go through

I’m from Brazil, I made a withdrawal of 0.19 lineaeth to Brazil’s digital wallet, it hasn’t gone down yet, can anyone support me help me?

from 0x8def9232f293b046e98564ee66b14c741f873a626e12de50ebc3c2494b7f6bad

Hello @mctooven
Welcome to MetaMask community

I could not find any address/transaction provided above while searching on linea block explorer or etherscan this address 0x8def9232f293b046e98564ee66b14c741f873a626e12de50ebc3c2494b7f6bad
Please check if this is correct address.

Also, please check with Brazil digital wallet if it supports the withdrawal of linea ETH, time requirements and check if it is legit.

L2 to L1 (Linea to Ethereum) can take between 8-32 hours depending on activity and have to manually claim your funds.

If you have used third party bridges, please consult with third party bridges and kindly DYOR before internacting with dapps to check if they are legit


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