I think i just got hacked

Yo, This is crazy… i think i just got hacked. all my tokens GONE over night. I went to sleep and when i woke up and checked my wallet, all my tokens were gone, i did some investigating and found out that my tokens went to this wallet address…


MetaMask, Ethersacn… idk what to do… i reported it to meatmask and etherscan… is there anything else i can do…

Sorry to hear this news and sympathize with your experience, scams and hackers are everywhere, I think if you have remaining assets, you should transfer the remaining assets to a safe wallet as soon as possible, if you want to use this wallet, you need to confirm that there is no leakage Mnemonic words and private keys, and cancel the contract authorization that you do not know, MetaMask as a non-custodial wallet cannot get your funds back for you. , we cannot access or control your secret recovery phrase - only you can. It is not under our supervision. Here is some more information about our knowledge base that may be helpful to you:


Hello @SamRex and Welcome to MetaMask community. I am sorry for what happened to your account.
In case you have not done already, please refer to the following post as well.

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