I urgently need help

Hi Luigi - sorry i have been trying to find it with a combination of different passphrases and still no luck. So I have used that link and went into my main ledger account and scanned 241 eth addresses and no luck. The issue is that Findora is on its own block chain so isn’t an eth token. None of the addresses that showed came up with the two addresses that I know the Findora are on. I will at some point just have to accept its lost, £2000 sterling. Gutted. I have absolutely no idea how its happened as I write down the passphrases and only use the same ones - so to get it wrong twice is highly unlikely (as I sent the findora to my - non passphrase protected wallet and the other lot to my passphrase protected wallet - so how can they both be lost - totally baffled by it.

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Hi @Mashster -
To have this further looked into, you can contact MetaMask support at https://support.metamask.io/ and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. We will never DM you support on Discord.


@Mashster I think you have made some stupid mistake :thinking: it doesn’t matter that it’s not an ethereum token… you need to find out how you generated these eth addresses.

You haven’t changed HD path? :point_down: or Preferred Ledger Connection Type


Hi Luigi, yes you got that right - some stupid mistake. I have gone through each of these options and the two addresses are not showing. I know you mention that it doesn’t matter if they are not eth addresses but either way when I go to mycrypto and attach my ledger - the two addresses don’t show. I m not sure what else I can do to be honest. The very last thing I can do is use the Ian Coleman option - but i dont think that is much different than what i am doing with mycrypto. On the Mycrypto I have used it to scan over 200 addresses - but it does say “add accounts” as an option. Im at a loss. I just dont know how I have derived the two addresses that I cant find.

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@Mashster are you really using the correct passphrase? One user once told me that he uses the correct passphrase :grin: but the correct passphrase has been saved and generated by the browser. Also try the iancoleman tool. You tried another derivation path? ETC derivation path…


Yeah I checked my recovery phrase is right. I will try the ian coleman- but as soon as i use it my ledger is compromised really so moving stuff off as we speak

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Yeah it can be a bit dangerous @Mashster :roll_eyes: but you can create a new ledger seed phrase (and move everything there) and keep the old one for these dangerous experiments :smile: you have to find the 2000$ :face_with_peeking_eye: do not give up.


Hey I really appreciate your help. You are a super star. I never thought about setting up a new recovery phrase, i have somehow managed to create two addresses but genuinly dont think i did them with any hidden passphrase as i have tried all of the ones i always use. Is there anyway that I could have created a new path on set up? I wont give up - but im running out of options. I didnt think i could have two recovery phrases. I thought if i set up a new one then the one that i have my lost findora on will be lost.

@Mashster if you save the old seed phrase, you won’t lose anything.
I’m running out of ideas too :smile: I’ll probably hypnotize you.

Marilyn Monroe

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Hi is there anything I could have done when I set up the findora with my ledger and MetaMask - is there anyway that I could have derived the two addresses that I cant find without the hidden passphrase - as I simply know that i haven’t made a mistake forgetting the passphrase for the hidden wallet. So i can set up a new seed phrase on my ledger and move the crypto to that seed phrase and then log in and off with either seed phrase?

Luigi - I am more than certain that the issue happened when MetaMask switched to HID - shown below - and the connections between ledger and MetaMask changed and somehow and either didnt bring across the addresses that have been lost? Is there a way to revert back to the old MetaMask U2F?


Things To Know:

Due to a breaking update in Chromium-based browsers earlier this year, MetaMask + Ledger functionality has been difficult.

We have built a new Ledger + MetaMask integration on Chrome and the integration now works seamlessly again. (You must update MetaMask to version 10.5.0 and also update your Ledger firmware to experience a smoother signing flow when using Ledger with MetaMask.)

Ledger and MetaMask are proud to announce a partnership to maintain and improve ease-of-use and security for our shared customers going forward!


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