Imported Metamask, tokens are gone tried adding it again zero balance

Hello good day everyone! My laptop got BSOD and apparently, I have to reset it. When I imported the seed phrase of my metamask to chrome, the token isn’t there so I added custom tokens. Sadly, my BNB, and other token accounts have zero balance? Where are my tokens/crypto money? Also, I have a secondary account, it also has BNB but it says zero. Can someone help me? My anxiety goes really high. I thought when you enter your seed phrase everything will be alright. I really like metamask so please. Any help will do.

What I’ve tried so far:
-reinstall the extension
-Re-enter seed phrase
-reinstall again, still the same

Best Regards,


Im having the same issue as you! They wont reply to you. So probably your account is lost forever same as me.

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wow that’s very unfortunate! 1000 USD worth gone that’s sad :((( can anyone help us with this issue?

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у меня такая же проблема , меня выкинуло с кошелька метамаск , я востановил с помощу seed-фразу кошелек, но при востановлении дало новый номер счета, а что бы добавить старый нужно было сделать на него секретный ключ, и после востановления импортировать кошелек в этот акаунт! но естественно я об этом узнал после всего этого!! и поддержка просто молчит

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Thank you “google translate” Is there something we can do about this? I have funds there to play crypto games online. Whenever I go back to the site, they recognize the address but there is no token/balance found. This is saddening :frowning: Please admin if there is anyone out there who’s willing to explain everything or any tutorial to recover the lost account just comment here.

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I’m having this same problem i reset my account and used the seed phrase to get back is, as i didn’t know my password and was somehow logged out of my device by the app. This has now opened a different account to my original and isn’t showing any funds which would be over ($10,000) I am still waiting on metamask replying to me as i only sent my enquiry 2 days ago.

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I am so sorry to hear that! 10,000 USD is no joke compared to what I have lost. Let’s do hope that metamask support will help us as soon as possible! How are you holding up so far? I sometimes can’t sleep at night. I trust this wallet too much this is the first time it has happened.

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I’m really worried that I lose it. I have trust in them to but I don’t have much hope now after tried everything I can think of. As you say hopefully we can get it resolved!

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Te han dado respuesta? Tengo casi 5 días y nada. Me pasó lo mismo que a la mayoría.

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Hello! I have the same issue as you. Have you heard from them? I’ve been contacting them since the day I experienced this but I haven’t had any assistance.

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Sigo con el mismo problema

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Please kindly note, to receive the best support is to open a support ticket via the support link in MetaMask app or extension.

Are you still seeing the assets under your address in a block explorer such as etherscan or bscscan?

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