Matic transaction

hello, I made a transfer of the Matic cryptocurrency to the wallet but not the correct network, the money came to the address and was lost, wrote to the support of the exchange and said that we can’t help in any way, contact your wallet support. Here is the transaction hash: 0xa91580aa9e1cf709261328fa91234031fa9af2c53dc881476d1b1207f540a8a8 And the hash of another transaction, because I was checking if the site was blunt and did not show the first deposit: 0xb7b68c40e11f3211fd0bb12f570171724c4fb9482a5920659de909819a1b5118


Hello @daebyn4ik , welcome to MetaMask community,

Did you authorize any transaction to this address 0x7dd3a5c814b5a94e529298ae0dededae020fd220

Yes, I made a send from another wallet to see if the money is coming or not

This transaction hash 0xa91580aa9e1cf709261328fa91234031fa9af2c53dc881476d1b1207f540a8a8 shows that a transaction was made to this address above . Is this your address?

What network exactly did you send your assets ?

My address from which i send 40 matic 0xAd39f90D1834E5F417E4a5207Bbca70E3a5d099A and 0.1 matic transaction 0x80FecafEECa102066D81fcdA1Fdbd26ef9c499b6

I wanted to send ETH to the network

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And both transactions was made to this address 0x7DD3A5c814B5A94e529298Ae0deDedAe020fD220 ?

Okay , have you added the polygonscan network to your metamask ?

yes i have polygon network in my metamask

Okay , do your assets reflect on the balance dashboard? On the polygonscan network ?

yes, i see my balance in polygon network

If I may understand you well , you wanted to transfer Matic to your etherum mainet , and you mistakenly sent to the matic mainet ?

absolutely right, I did not know that it was necessary to send a transaction on the ETH network

Okay you will need a network bridge to move your assets between networks . Here is a guide

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I have read this guide, but what should I do with the lost currency? Can it be returned somehow?

Since you are bridging from the polygonscan network, visit the

official site for polygonscan bridge network .

Note : verify every sites thoroughly before you interact . Don’t click unknown links that may expose you to malicious attacks .

I went to the site, connected my wallet from which the transaction was made, what should I do next?

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Do you see you matic balance on the dashboard?

Yes, I see the balance that I have left, I made a transfer to the exchange wallet in order to sell the matic there, but it was not indicated which network to send and I transferred the matic as it is