Metamask Change my Wallet Adress When I RESET it

I did it 1, 2, 3 up to 26 times and it still does not show me the Public Address that I had originally. IT IS NOT AN IMPORTED ACCOUNT. It is original from the same wallet. I am entering the seed in the correct order and form, I check to avoid possible errors, and still nothing. I can’t get the second account to appear, I check Bscscan and there I can see my public address, with its balance, but I can’t see it in Metamask. I wrote to metamask support, but they claim it is impossible for this to happen, but it is happening to me!!!, and I read that I am not the only person with this situation, but metamask does not respond and does not seem to take reports seriously. Can you help me?


Same thing here… luckily i send things to n from trust wallet… sent some caphodl from trust to metamask… on account statting with 0x92d93E4778…
Account 1 of new account is now
0x0c68… wtf? Need my tokens ffs I got a migration to deal with! And worse now I have a new account with busd that i need to combine with that account.

after you reset your metamask account using seed phrase you will get a different metamask Id from the original ID, then create an account inside your new meta ID multiple times until un finds your original account. I hope it helps


I have now 27 accounts, this is crazy…

In our case, it does not apply, because we have managed to recover the account, the problem is, when we want to recover the secondary account within the wallet, well in my case, when entering the recovery phrase, it returned me the default account, ACCOUNT 01, perfect, but the account that I NEED to recover is the secondary one, created under the BSC network and with which I had been working. When I try to recover it, it only shows me public addresses different from the one I am looking for.

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In view of the fact that Metamask Support is not responding, and keeps us on the verge of despair. Searching in the networks I found this information https: // blockmit . com /guias /variadas /generar-semillas-bip39-con-dados/ I read and applied what he recommended (following the advice, offline) and I have been generating, more quickly, the accounts, this program generates the public address and even the private address, matches the accounts that I was creating in my wallet, I still do not find the public address I am looking for (with this system I have generated more than 60 thousand, and nothing). I will keep insisting. If you want to try your luck, let’s see if you can find a solution. It is simple to use… Generate a random mnemonic 12 or 24 words, just indicate the amount of words of your seed, in my case it is 12, BIP39 Mnemonic : place the seed phrase (12 words), Coin : select the currency, in our case ETH, and wait for the wallet to be generated, by default there are 20, but you can request to generate more, I have been generating from 10 thousand to 10 thousand. The page will show you a list of 4 columns, including the public address and the private address (which is what we need to import the account). IMPORTANT : you must use this page offline, and if possible on a computer that is not yours, it is recommended. As I told you, I still can’t find my lost public address, the others appear, but I keep trying. Do it at your own risk and discretion, if you manage to get what you are looking for, I recommend to withdraw your currency and leave that account. This is the Link https: // bip39 . net

Have a Nice Day


I have created 700 account now and no working.
Why everyone have the same problem and no one support help ?


Hello everybody,

I have my 12 words and my original wallet address account, but it is impossible to acces in it.
Any clue?
Also i have my Transaction Hash.


I have the same problem here.and i try so many times still nothing


Any one manage to solve this problem or contact metamask ?


dealing w the same issue


what can we dooo
same phrase… password… and another wallet! wt f
anyone had a return???



Guide: “Find the lost account” (from a real case)

I have experienced the same issue, meaning after reinstalling the extension and importing wallet with usual seed phrase a new Account 1 (without funds) showed up. I was able to get back to my Account with funds as the bug happened again (lucky I was!) and the usual seed phrase allowed me to connect to the right Account 1 on another chrome session.

After two months of research, I found on my device a seed phrase to which my Account 1 with funds really belons. I have never seen/used this seed phrase before.

I developed step by step guide how to search this hidden seed phrase (the vault data of it is in ‘ broken ’ format).

:heartpulse: I really hope it would help! :heartpulse:
You can find this guide on github issue 3127. :point_down:

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Hi @Jeffro ! Where you able to recover your account? I just wanted to get some feedback if the guide I provided worked for somebody. :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks.

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I cannot seem to get into that page can you post the details on here please

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Sorry, but I cannot post the files here. But you can go to github . com /MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/3127#issuecomment-968326840 to find the guide. Hope it helps.

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You need the seed phrase and the original public key from your first account. It seems you have those. With that you can get the original private key. With the private key you can import the original account. It is quite simple. Unfortunately, I can’t post links here for you to access it

Try to install the extension in other browser. If you can the Metamask in Chrome you can install it in Firefox or Safari. Try to import the seed and after put the password. If dont work the only way to get the other account is with forensic techniques.

Try to change the browser and install the extension.

If you create a new metamask wallet (for example if you reinstall the extension) the older wallet is deleted. The only solution is recovering with forensics techniques the old information.
I think you must reinstall the app extension and create a new wallet.