Metamask Change my Wallet Adress When I RESET it

it happened to me. lost 2 crypto domains.

Anyone here who’s able to get their original address back? I’ve tried the the creation of accounts under that account but to no avail. I’ve also tried the Mnemonic Account generator (danfinlay.github) up to 50k addresses and none of those is my original address (discovered that the sequence of the generated addresses is the same as when you use the ‘Create Account’ within the extension).

Hope MetaMask can actually support.

Hi @Rev. Sorry to hear that. What device do you use ? PC (Windows, MAC? Which browser? ) or phone? How long it has been an issue ? Actually I was in this case, too. If you use Windows I can post here some tips what you can try to do.

Hi. Thank you for your time. Its been like this since 2 days ago. Already saw your comment about a suggested fix and I’m afraid it won’t work for me since I have the account on my Android phone through Yandex browser.

Hi @Rev, I do not know if it will work, but you can try to restore your phone from a back up (it should be a back up on the date before the issue happened). I do not use Android, but found this steps to follow how to do this:

  1. Open the [Google Drive](https: //play app.
  2. Tap Menu Menuand then Backups .
  3. Tap on the backup you want to manage.

Thank you very much @MomOfTwins! Will give this a shot and let you know the result. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi again @MomOfTwins . It didn’t work for me. Nonetheless, thank you very much for your help. Will be checking this thread from time to time to see if someone else solved it.

Hi @Rev . Really sorry to hear that. @Luigi has you any idea ? You are the best ! :wink:

Also @Rev , I would suggest you to make a backup of your phone on the PC (if you have one) and keep all your backups safe till MetaMask team update that article for Android: