Move ethereum present in bsc to ethereum network

I have ethereum in binance smartchain network. I want to move them to my ethereum network. Do we need to already have some bnb present in my account for gas fees ? I dont have any bnb in binance smartchain network. I need to move my ethereum from bsc network to ethereum netowrk. Unable to swap ethereum to bnb in binance smartchain network. Dont know what to do, help needed


Anyone with any hacks ?

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if you have ETH in BSC it is probably a Wrapped ETH in BSC network, I don’t think you can send that directly to your ETH20 network.

You can use a Bridge to transfer from BSC to ETH network. Binance has a Bridge for this where you connect your wallet and can transfer from BSC to ETH. (I cannot share links but you can google it).

There will be transaction (gas fees) for this so you do have to have some BNB in your wallet (less than a dollar for transaction).