I have 0.165453414966688631 BNB ($51.20) on my metamask acc. Then all of a sudden it went 0. There’s an unknown transaction on my account.

My account: 0x0580eeb9c7de578bf13619a7281c99d607f6be4d
Recepient’s account: 0x8989fc98ef86da6bd221027c91fac94277add039

I didn’t do this transaction. Please help!

Same thing happened to me. I transferred another BNB amount in my metamask then suddenly it disappeared also. I traced both transactions and it was transferred to the same address. How come!!! I did not do any transaction… I lost a lot of money!!! Omg somebody help us :frowning:

Maybe you downloaded a playstore fake pancake swap?

i did it online not mobile bruh

I also had the same situation. I used the SWAP function in Metamask online. Swapped my ETH in BSC to BNB. Transaction was successful and I saw the BNB. When I woke up in the morning, my BNB was gone.

There was an unknown transaction that transferred all of my BNB. Metamask wallet does not show any activity of that transfer. I did not authorize it nor my Metamask dashboard show any transfer activity.

Hoping that someone can help us.

I think you got hacked/scammed…

It happened also to me.

Go to the BscScan Token Approval Checker and Revoke all rights of suspicious accounts.

Check on de tokens BUSD/ BNB and other coins.

Search for : 0x8989fc98ef86da6bd221027c91fac94277add039

Sorry to hear this has happened, it may be that your wallet has been compromised. If you have not already done so, please submit a ticket to our support team here:

For your privacy and security, please continue all communication with us from there. The support team will be with you as soon as they can.

Here is also some more information in our Knowledge Base that may help you: