Odd Account number

I deleted the extensions when I go to add my account I used my 12 words but an account number that defaults how do I get the correct account? Both my phone app and computer have this issue

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I did not understand well what you mean, but I am trying to help. You removed your MetaMask wallet and then tried to reinstall it using the key phrases.
For this case you need to add all the networks except for the default ones.
You also need to add the token addresses in your wallet.
In case you had several accounts, then this link can help you. https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489271-How-to-add-missing-accounts-after-restoring-with-Secret-Recovery-Phrase

Please let us know what exactly you need and we can help you better.


Correct… I deleted the extensions and my phone app when trying to add the back to my phone and computer it defaults to another acct. number. How can I check to see if I have more than one metamask account that may be conflicting

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You mean that after importing the secret recovery phrase, the account restored is not the one you recently removed? If that is the case, do you have the secret recovery phrase for the account you removed?
How many accounts did you have under one secret recovery phrase? I mean in the wallet you recently removed.


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