Swapped BNB to Avalanche on MM then sent to Coinbase, Funds didnt appear?

Please help,

I swapped BNB Coin for Avalanche on my MM Wallet. I then went to assets to find the Avalanche coins. I then sent the Avalanche to my Coinbase Avalanche wallet. The transaction says it was a success but the funds didn’t appear in my Coinbase wallet?

When I look at the transaction it shows from Token Binance-Peg Avalanche Token?

Is there anything I can do? So confused :frowning:


Hello @Howie !
Welcome to MetaMask community !)

Binance-Peg Avalanche is the Avalanche is wrapped Avalanche token on the BEP20 network.

I have never used the Coinbase exchange, but I can assume that each token has a list of available chain and each will have its own address, is there BEP20 among the available ones?


@Howie ,

Did you send to your account on Coinbase exchange or, are you using Coinbase 's extension/mobile wallet (where you have your own Secret Recovery Phrase, private keys, etc)?


Not sure, but if it was a success and the wallet addresses are correct, where did the money go?

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I used MM to swop BNB to AVAX then sent the AVAX that was in assests under BNB showing as AVAX on MM to my CB AVAX wallet. Im just so confused s to where it went and if I can get it back.

The AVAX you had on your MetaMask wallet was on BNB Smart Chain (bep20). When you transfered to your CB AVAX wallet you transfered it through that network on which it resided in MetaMask (bep20). The sender and receiver wallets or mediums of storage, or whatever is the case, need to always coincide and that being said, your CB wallet needs to be able to receive and deposit tokens on BNB Smart Chain, in this case, for you to be able to see them.

I don’t know if Coinbase wallet supports BNB Smart Chain deposits, or if you actually sent your tokens to Coinbase exchange and you are mistaken them two (clearing this up, just in case), but whatever is the case, you should be able to see your tokens on the address you sent them too as long as it’s an EVM compatible address (0x…). You will need to check with Coinbase wallet support, the tokens left MetaMask, now the issue is on the receiving end.


Thank you Chinzilla,

Ive had a good look on CB and the address is 100% correct where the AVAX went from MM and CB doesnt support Bep20 / Binance-Peg Avalanche Token. Therefore I think I just lost 7.2 AVAX :(… The asset recovery process only supports ERC-20 so ETH however says it might add more assets overtime.

It states on CB;

Avalanche (C-Chain)

This is a C-Chain (Avalanche) address. Do not send AVAX on P-Chain, X-Chain, or over any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

If you’ve sent or received funds using the incorrect network, Coinbase does not have the ability to recover your funds (unless they are outlined in Asset recovery . To learn more, see Unsupported Crypto Recovery.

Most assets on Coinbase are only supported on the blockchain network that hosts them (even though the asset may technically be available on multiple networks). However, we do offer multi-chain support for select assets. This allows you to select from more than one network when sending or receiving the asset using Coinbase.

The benefit of having multiple networks to choose from is that some networks may offer lower transaction fees and higher transaction speeds. For assets with multi-chain support, you’ll have the option to choose which network you’d like to use when you’re sending or receiving the asset.

Important: When sending or receiving, always confirm that you’re using the correct network. Using an incorrect network will cause the funds to be lost. For assets with multi-chain support, the same network must be used on both the sending end and the receiving end unless the transaction involves the Polygon and Ethereum networks.

Unsupported crypto

If you’ve tried to send a cryptocurrency asset that Coinbase doesn’t support to your Coinbase account, the deposit will not reach your account. These funds are considered lost and can only be recovered if one of the following situations applies:

  • Certain assets are eligible for our recovery with our [asset recovery tool, which allows you to have the lost funds recovered to a self-custodial wallet.
  • If an ERC20 asset becomes supported on Coinbase at a later date, any of those assets that were previously sent to your Coinbase account will automatically become available in that account.

It’s important to ensure that only supported assets are sent to your account. To see if an asset is supported/tradable on Coinbase, view or the Trade page of your Coinbase account and filter for assets that are tradable.


Sorry to hear that. If you sent to the exchange and they don’t support bep20 deposits for AVAX, then yes, they are lost. But if you sent to their Coinbase defi wallet, then, if there is a chance they support BNB chain, you might be able to add the network and see your AVAX tokens, but you’ll need to do your own research regarding that, like you did above.


Thanks again Chinzilla, I spoke to the help team on Coinbase to see if there is anything and they said the same thing. I figured if anyone else has this problem and like me doesn’t do their homework this might help.

CB Helper > I can help you understand what happened.
After reviewing the information you provided, it appears this transaction was performed using a blockchain network that is not currently supported for this asset. For Avalanche, we only support Avalanche C-Chain network.

Since this asset is not supported for this network, the funds did not arrive in your Coinbase account.
While the block explorer shows that the transaction was successfully completed, the funds were not received by Coinbase because we don’t currently support this crypto via that network.

Unfortunately, we do not currently have the ability to recover these funds.

In the long term, Coinbase may, in the future, support this crypto via the network you used. If that’s ever the case, you’ll automatically receive these funds in your account.

I know this is a frustrating situation but unfortunately there’s nothing that we can do to retrieve your funds at this time.

You can learn more about which cryptos are currently supported on multiple networks by viewing the help center.

Me > So does the 7.2 AVAX just stay there as BEP20 AVAX until the end of time or if CB supports this. Theres no one else that can retrieve these funds on the blockchain?

CB Helper > Apologies, no one really can retrieve this due to the irreversible nature of crypto, even the creator of the blockchain itself cannot get this back.

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Hi friend! @Howie Sorry about your situation. As the CB support mentioned, if Coinbase supports AVAX on the BEP20 network in the future, then those 7.2 AVAX tokens will most likely become available for you automatically on the Coinbase Exchange. Besides from that nothing else can be done. Sorry again! Please do let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards


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